The Future is DIY Dating in Sandboxes

pigeon illustration with dating app icons floating around its head

The Dating App Pidgeon Hole

It’s estimated that global users of dating apps is about 220 million (Statista, 2020), of which about 35 million is from the US. With about 1,500 estimated dating apps/sites, the majority of them are incredibly niche, serving a small specific group. There’s undoubtably gaps in the macro dating scene that’s underserved.

Swipe Fatigue is Real

Passing are the days of swiping through endless faces on homogenous dating apps. The one-size-fits-all approach is crumbling under the weight of our diverse desires. We're not all latte-sipping professionals seeking weekend brunches and Netflix nights (we still love these folks though).

The future of dating apps is messy, vibrant, and full of possibilities. It's a sandbox approach, where users sculpt their own experiences to fit their unique needs and curiosities. When you can’t serve a growing user base, give them the keys and ask them to move in.

Why Niche Dating Apps Miss the Mark

Imagine a world where you have to choose between a "foodie app," a "gamer app," and an "outdoor enthusiast app" before you can start dating. Restrictive, right?

Niche dating apps pigeonhole us, assuming our passions exist in neat little boxes. But what if you're a bookish rock climber who loves dogs and deep-sea diving? Niche apps leave you out in the cold.

A More Human Approach

The beauty of the sandbox approach is that it celebrates the messy complexity of human beings. It allows us to express our multifaceted selves, not just the bits that fit into a predetermined category.

Here's what a sandbox dating app might look like:

  • Create your own profile filters: Instead of choosing pre-set options, you'd define your ideal match based on any criteria you deem important. Want someone who can salsa dance and loves astrophysics? Go for it!

  • Curated event matching: The app could recommend events based on your interests, from pottery classes to dog park meetups, increasing your chances of meeting someone who shares your passions.

  • Micro-communities: Imagine joining groups within the app dedicated to specific hobbies, music genres, or even shared causes. This fosters deeper connections and a sense of belonging.

  • Open-ended prompts and conversation starters: Ditch the tired "What's your favorite movie?" prompts. Spark genuine conversations with questions that delve into your passions, dreams, and weirdest quirks.

The Possibilities are Endless

A sandbox dating app isn't just about finding love; it's about building meaningful connections with people who make you curious. It's about ditching the labels and embracing the full spectrum of who you are.


  • A shy introvert finding their tribe in a book club group within the app.

  • A thrill-seeker connecting with adventure partners for weekend hikes and skydiving escapades.

  • A dog lover meeting their soulmate while volunteering at an animal shelter.

The sandbox approach is about inclusivity, serendipity, and celebrating the beautiful chaos of human connection. It's about stepping out of the pre-made boxes and building a dating life that's as unique and vibrant as you are.

So, ditch the niche apps and embrace the sandbox. The future of dating is wide open, and it's time to start playing.

Let's build a dating world where everyone belongs, not just the ones who fit the mold.

P.S. This sandbox approach isn't just for dating apps. Imagine the possibilities for friend-finding apps, professional networking platforms, or even community-building tools. The future is bright, messy, and full of exciting connections waiting to be made.

I hope this blog post sparked your imagination and gave you a glimpse into the exciting future of dating apps. Remember, the best way to shape this future is to get involved and start building the sandbox yourself!

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